work - sound

Dirk BergerDirk Berger expenses

Sound engineer wanted for short film Sound engineer wanted for short film

Someone who can record set sound. Own gear is not required.

amsterdam, NL


Shaniqua ...Shaniqua Paesch expenses

Urgent! boom operator wanted Urgent! boom operator wanted

Boom operator with or without equipment!

amersfoort , NL


Letitia PopaLetitia Popa 250 euro

Sound recordist call – short film Sound recordist call – short film

Sound recordist with experience in narrative filmmaking

amsterdam, NL


Sophie De...Sophie Derksen internship

Sound intern wanted for feature film Sound intern wanted for feature film

Je volgt een relevante opleiding en hebt passie voor film en tv

in en rondom amsterdam, NL


Cheyenne ...Cheyenne Lohnen 100 euro

Soundman - short film live, love, loophole Soundman - short film live, love, loophole


holthone, NL


Samson Pi...Samson Pictures 250 euro/dag

Seeking a sound mixer Seeking a sound mixer

A sound mixer who excels in a collaborative team environment.

rotterdam en omstreken, NL


Nicky TroostNicky Troost lowbudget

wanted: crew members for a magical fiction film! wanted: crew members for a magical fiction film!


putten, NL
