EYEEYE • 1 j • payed • 1 j
Av-it specialist / process owner Av-it specialist / process owner
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
Frans SmanFrans Sman • • payed • 1 j
hilversum, NL
vacature payed payed payed
EYEEYE • • 3,468-4,506 euro/month. • 1 j
Chief of operations film technique Chief of operations film technique
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
EYEEYE • • 2.963-3.763 euro/month • 1 j
Content manager see nl Content manager see nl
mmsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
ACE Produ...ACE Producers • 1 j • payed • 1 j
Office manager & team assistant Office manager & team assistant
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
Movies th...Movies that Matter • 1 j • internship • 1 j
amsterdam, NL
stage internship internship internship
Jan-Wille...Jan-Willem Breure • 1 j • payed • 1 j
Fundraiser wanted for film festival? Fundraiser wanted for film festival?
thuis werken, NL
werk payed payed payed
Linda Mer...Linda Mertens • • internship • 1 j
Marketing & comms internship Marketing & comms internship
amsterdam, NL
stage internship internship internship
NBFNBF • 1 j • 1300 euro/month • 1 j
Vacancy office secretary (0.6 fte) Vacancy office secretary (0.6 fte)
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
Steffie M...Steffie Meijers • • payed • 1 j
Fixy is looking for assistant production manager Fixy is looking for assistant production manager
werk payed payed payed
Dutch Dir...Dutch Directors Guild • • internship • 1 j
Intern office and communication Intern office and communication
amsterdam, NL
stage internship internship internship
FJ | Film...FJ | Films & Content • 2 j • internship • 2 j
Production intern Production intern
amsterdam, NL
stage internship internship internship
Nederland...Nederlands Filmfonds • 2 j • payed • 2 j
Film consultant Film consultant
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
Nederland...Nederlands Filmfonds • 2 j • payed • 2 j
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
La Ferpec...La Ferpection • • internship • 2 j
Production assistant intern Production assistant intern
amsterdam, NL
stage internship internship internship
Dutch Dir...Dutch Directors Guild • • payed • 2 j
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
ACE Produ...ACE Producers • 2 j • payed • 2 j
Finance & development director Finance & development director
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
Eye Filmm...Eye Filmmuseum • • payed • 2 j
Management assistant Management assistant
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
GranateGranate • • lowbudget • 2 j
Website administrator Website administrator
amsterdam, NL
werk lowbudget lowbudget lowbudget
faaam - ... faaam - film actors academy amsterdam • 2 j • payed • 2 j
amsterdam, NL
werk payed payed payed
Wenneker ...Wenneker Amsterdam • 2 j • internship • 2 j
amsterdam, NL
stage internship internship internship
Sanne KragtSanne Kragt • • payed • 2 j
Production manager (dutch film fund) Production manager (dutch film fund)
amsterdam, NL
vacature payed payed payed
Dutch Fil...Dutch FilmWorks • • payed • 2 j
Communication specialist Communication specialist
utrecht, NL
vacature payed payed payed
GACGAC • 2 j • unpayed • 2 j
Volunteer production assistant wanted Volunteer production assistant wanted
gelderland, NL
werk unpayed unpayed unpayed