Renowned filmmaker Djoti-Djotipersad Lachman, originally from Suriname and raised in the Netherlands, has successfully brought his latest cinematic film, HEBZUCHT (GREED), to life. Despite numerous challenges, including delays and financial constraints, Djoti’s determination and the unwavering support of his dedicated team have culminated in a film that is now available in over ten countries, including the United States (Greed), United Kingdom (Greed), Germany (Gier), Austria (Gier), Spain (Avaricia), Poland (Chciwość), Italy (Avidità), France (Cupidité), Japan (Goyoku), Sweden (Girighet), the Netherlands (Hebzucht), Belgium (Hebzucht/Cupidité), Australia (Greed), Mexico (Avaricia), and Canada (Greed/Cupidité), and as soon as possible in India (Lalach) via AMAZON PRIME VIDEO