Wiaan Ramadhan
empowerment trainer, motivator speaker
amsterdam / NL
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Geïnteresseerd is in het filmproductieproces, van ontwikkeling tot productie, promotie en publiciteit!

- Ondersteuning bij subsidieaanvragen
- Assisteren bij voorbereidingen draaidagen
- Productionele ondersteuning
- Ondersteuning bij postproductie
- Inschrijvingen bij filmfestivals
Years of experience in creative thinking, development and execution of workshops in the field of personal effectiveness. Developer of the “WIAAN” Method. It is all about Willpower, Image/Identity, Authenticity and Autonomous in the Now.

Wil jij zelfverzekerd zichtbaar zijn, je gelukkig voelen en een doel voor ogen hebben? Wil je af van je onzekerheid, je angsten, slechte houding en zwak zelfbeeld? Wiaan Coaching Amsterdam helpt je als spiegel, trainer en motivator die doelen te bereiken.

Designing stories that touch... In a creative way I contribute to the personal development of starting entrepreneurs, students and anyone who wants to make themselves visible. HOW DO YOU PROFILE YOURSELF, YOUR BUSINESS OR YOUR PRODUCT IN AN AUTHENTIC, SUCCESSFUL WAY? I do this through the 'WIAAN' Method that I designed. It is all about Willpower, Image/Identity, Authenticity and Autonomous in the Now. I have 15 years of experience in the field of job placement as a mediator and trainer and have always been concerned with the question of how you can market yourself successfully in a creative way. My human resource background in combination with a solid coaching and training experience, forms the perfect mix on the subjects of Personal Branding and Profiling. Translating stories into images is now what I want to research and would therefore like to offer me in a form of a learning / work internship!


Documentary, Internet film, Television, Theatre