Since I was eight years old I started acting in a small theater company. After that I went into the musical direction. When I was ten, I played the role of Kaa from Jungle Book with conviction. I joined a musical school HART. I didn't feel completely at home there, so I looked for an association that was closer. Then I ended up at Stubborn, where I enjoyed being on stage for four years with, among other things, the roles Angry Neighbor from Ja Zuster, Nee Zuster, Ochterop from Hamelin and Koning Lekkerbek from Doornroosje. In my last year I participated in another amateur musical association De Jonge Stem, I started with a small role, but this year I assigned the role Bernardo from West Side Story. In addition to these musical activities, I also participated in competitions such as Kunstbende and theater weeks such as Buitenkunst.
Now I do a Theater Education in Haarlem.
I am an enthusiastic boy of 1.98 with dark brown curls. I look forward to how much experience I can gain and how much I can learn.