My name is Sarah Lucassen.
I am a graduated media designer, specializing in audiovisual design.
During my studies I focused on both graphics and film.
I have my own company from which I sometimes do design jobs and/or perform.
I am also a writer. I write poetry and spoken word texts that I sometimes recite/perform on stages. In 2018 I played a role in Muziektheaterspektakel De Wilde Deerne with my own work.
I grew up with a lot of music in my home and in my environment.
I have been playing the saxophone since I was young (currently just as a hobby) and I love singing. I am a musical creative with a passion for art and story- and telling a story through an art form.
Making words come alive and images speak is what gives me a lot of energy.
This applies to film, theatre, music and/or design (2D).