In a nutshell...
After high school, Theo J. Schraven worked as an actor at Steigertheater productions, among others.
children's theater group Zippp and the musical theater production Agamemnon of the Nijmegen city theater
under the supervision of Pieter vd Waterbeemd and Bart Vaessen.
In 1987 he started his studies at the Arnhem School of the Arts, department.
Teacher training in Dramatic Education.
From 1988/1989 he worked on various ad hoc theatre productions, video projects and
television productions as an actor, production manager, assistant director, creative consultant, designer and producer.
He has worked in these productions with Erik Veldhuis, Erik Fransman, Catharina Haverkamp,
Christine Ewert, Ramon Gieling, Henri v. Zanten, Paul Koek, Loes Wouterson, Tony Thatcher and Chaim
Levano for VPRO, KRO, NCRV, TROS, Arnhem Theater School, Buro KaAp of the University of Applied Sciences
vd Kunsten Arnhem, Michi Foundation, Center for New Dance Development Arnhem, music group De
Honorary Prize, theatre group Wolfsmond and Theater vh Oosten. He also has amateur productions and
students at the DDV supervised as drama advisor and director.
He worked as first assistant at Goede Tijden Bad Tijden and held the same position at
On the Road to Tomorrow, specifically to explore the three camera technique. He is currently
busy developing concepts, he works as a (training) actor and trainer.
He is also a self-employed person in the audio industry.