- Zwarte Cross 2013 - BNN - Wish Outdoor 2013 - aftermovie - Colorful Licenses - product film - Toverland commercial - Paaspop 2011, 2012, 2013 - RTL, 3voor12, Omroep Brabant, 101tv - De Kamer van Brabant 2012, 2013 - Omroep Brabant - Eigen Buurt - Omroep Brabant - Zo! Festival - aftermovie - De Heideroosjes - DVD recording - Glow Festival Eindhoven - greenscreen recordings - TBYD - GGD Eindhoven and Omroep Brabant - BZB - live registration
Extensive experience in ENG camera work, multicam registrations, DSLR camera work. Very independent, both in camera work and in editing and post-processing.