Arjen de Kloet
cameraman, editor
Amersfoort / NL
I was a cameraman and editor at Broadcast Organizers for 1 year. There I filmed Lipdubs for companies, families, bachelors, etc.
- Filming lip dubs for company outings, family outings and
educational purposes

- Shooting feature films for company outings, family outings
and educational purposes

- Editing Lipdubs, feature films, seminar recordings,
promotional material etc.

- Guiding people with company outings,
family outings and educational purposes

- Animate leaders in Adobe After Effects

- Preparing camera set, audio set, mounting set and
light set

- Audio/visual design of supplied material

- Audio/visual design of self-filmed material
group or independently

- Animate in Adobe After Effects

- Designing in Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop

- Post-processing through greenscreen and keying

- Post-processing through voice-over
Nikon D7000
hardware knowledge
Sony EX1, EX3 cam en Nikon D7000
software knowledge
Adobe Premiere Pro
Avid media composer
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After effects
Adobe Encore
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Soundbooth

As a graduate student at the Graphic Lyceum in Utrecht, I am a fully-fledged audiovisual designer (MBO level 4).

I specialize in filming, editing and editing images and sound and I like to have the camera in my hands, it's my passion. In addition, I am constantly developing my expertise.

A unique feature of mine is the dedication to the profession and the delivery of a product where quality is of paramount importance.

A recent successful project of mine is the film production 'De gang van Urk'

On January 6, 2014 I started an Audiovisual production company together with my brother; 2Kings AV Design. (


Corporate film, Documentary, Short film, Music Video