Corporate Promotional Films, Instructional Films, Interviews, Product and Service Promos (advertising), 1-Minute Pitches, Music Clips, Short Feature Films, Documentary.
3x Gold, 2x Silver and 3x Bronze at film festivals
ask me for
Promotionele bedrijfsfilm, Instructiefilm, Interview, Product- en Dienstenpromo's (reclame), 1-minuut-pitches, Muziekclip, (korte) speelfilm, Documentaire
Strength is in both the preparation and the finishing in the studio, the editing. Work regularly with other professionals such as co-producers, camera and sound people, screenwriters, directors, web designers & App developers, house style designers.
HD camera's, verwisselbare lenzen, statieven, rigs, crane, dollytracksysteem, mobiele lichtsets, geluidsapparatuur
hardware knowledge
Technische kennis van filmapparatuur en techniek in algemeen
software knowledge
Video- en fotobewerking, Office en computers in algemeen