Kris De Meester, 'Johnny Walker': feature film fiction Jimmy Hendrickx, 'Spaghetti': feature film fiction Hans Op de Beeck, 'Sea of Tranquillity': art movie Jeannice Adriaenssens, 'Springtij': short film fiction Jordy Tempelman, 'Orlok': short film fiction Eva Cools, 'Everything comes back': short film fiction Silvia Defrance, 'Her Voice': experimental short film/animation Pieter Vermeersch, 'Perfect Kill': short film fiction Susanne Weck, 'Gimka und Golka': documentary Wietske De Klerk, 'Parre ': short film fiction Alexander Geifmann, 'His Little Thoughts': short animation Ruggero Pini, 'Round the Line': experimental short film
ask me for
kortfilm, langspeelfilm, animatie, documentaire, experimentele film/video, commercials, games, webvideo, bedrijfsfilm
- total integration and follow-up of sound within an audiovisual project, from a pitch or scenario to the first public screening, both technically and artistically/substantively - conceptual and functional sound design
5.1 mixage studio met projectiescherm en protools
opnamestudio voor foley, voice over, postsynchronisatie, etc...
software knowledge
Protools, Izotope, Nuendo, Ableton, WWise, Audition, Wavelab, cSound, ...