Sports Shooting Live Broadcasts:
UEFA Super Cup 2015, UEFA Champions League 2010-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19, Europa League 2010-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19, FOX SPORTS Eredivisie Live 2010-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19, KNVB CUP 2010-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19, European Diving Championships Eindhoven 2012, Hockey World Cup The Hague 2014-2019, Darts European Championship 14-15-16-17-18-19, British Super Bikes 2013-14-15-16-17-18, Beach Volleyball World Championships The Hague 2015, European Poker Championship Amsterdam 2010-12-13.
Studio Shooting live broadcasts:
Football Inside, The World Keeps Turning, Pauw, Straight from the heart, One Today, Heart of the Netherlands, Knevel & Van Den Brink, Coffee Time, Crossroads, Creator&Co, Time for Max, The fifth day, Darts RTL7, The Netherlands chooses, 24/ 7, KoffieMax, Pronounced, Sport1 studio, Good morning Netherlands, Blueshots TV, Investigation requested, Quadia TV, Network, Milioenenjacht, Goed Geld Gala,
Concerts, Music Festivals:
MTV LIVE GEORGIA 2011, MTV Europe Music Awards Amsterdam 2013, MTV EMA Milan 2015, Mysteryland 2010- 11-12-13-14, Decibel Outdoor 2010-11-12-13-14-15, Sensation Amsterdam 2011-12-13- 14-15, X-Noizz Flevo Festival 2010-11-12, Lowlands 2010-11-12-13-14-15, BIG Guus Meeuwis 2013, De Vrienden van Amstel Live 2014, Defqon.1 Festival 2014-15.
2009 – 2010
Studio live broadcasts:
Football Inside, The World Keeps Turning, Pauw, Straight from the heart, One Today, Heart of the Netherlands, Knevel & Van Den Brink, Coffee Time, Crossroads, Creator&Co, Time for Max, The fifth day, Darts RTL7, The Netherlands chooses, 24/ 7, KoffieMax, Uitspraak, Sport1 studio, Good morning Netherlands, Blueshots TV, Opsporing Request, Quadia TV, Network, Mysteryland, Decibel Outdoor, Milioenenjacht, Goed Geld Gala, X-Noizz Festival. 24 hours with ..., Practical Jokes, TED-X, Mediapark Annual Congress, Eucharist Celebration, Dating in the dark.