Noel Contreras
video editor
Rotterdam / NL
software knowledge
Avid Media Composser
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After effect

Sinds 2014 ben ik werkzaam als zelfstandig video editor en cameraman onder de naam N.A. Contreras. Hiervoor heb ik bij diverse mediabedrijven gewerkt. Mijn passie voor filmen en editen komt vanuit de liefde voor mooie beelden en verhalen. Ik kan met diverse programma’s editen en kan zowel...

Since 2014 I have been working as an independent video editor and cameraman under the name NA Contreras. Before this I worked for various media companies. My passion for filming and editing comes from the love for beautiful images and stories. I can edit with various programs and can operate both broadcast cameras and DSLR cameras. The fact that I film and edit contributes to the quality of my work.

Editing a video involves more than just sticking separate images behind each other and adding music to it. To convey the message properly, it is important to place the right images and the right music in exactly the right order. Each video has its own character and style. Your message also has its own character and style and I adjust the video accordingly so that this message is powerful and your goal is achieved.
Documentary, ENG / TV reports, Short film, Television