- Animation and character design for 'Yim & Yojo de film' - video clip 'Club 27' for the band de Coronas - concept designs for the british animation series 'Go Dog Go!' commissioned by Collingwood O'Hare - corporate video 'Basecamp solutions' commissioned by Funk-E branding - corporate video 'Unlock the power' commissioned by Leeuwendaal Consultants - supervising animator on the animated children's series 'Woezel en Pip' - flash animator at the British comedy 'Nasty Habbits'. Commissioned by the BBC - animator on the British TV series 'Little Kindom' and 'Peppa Pig'. Commissioned by: FIVE & Nickelodeon - animations for the children's series Koekeloere, the five-part animated series Nick & Ninnie for client NOT/Teleac and character designs for the Sound and Vision Institute in Hilversum
ask me for
2d cartoon animatie, infographics, character animation, videoclips, bedrijfsfilms, kleuterseries
Creating 2d cartoon characters that really come to life is my thing.
software knowledge
After Effects, Flash, Anime studio Pro, Cel-Action,