about me
ambulance experience gained ggd amsterdam (extensive experience) i was 17 1/2 years head medical at the amsterdam arena for all first aid in amsterdam arena, i also figure on the set as an ambulance brother, from 2012 i work as an event coordinator and as a set medic or set nurse at various productions and films (amburent) for ambulance. doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers and first aiders for hire via AMBURENT for events and as a medic on the set. they come with an ambulance. If you are looking for a hospital room, you can also contact us Recently, amburent also makes hospital rooms on location, including a bed, bedside table, infusion pump/dropper, heart monitor and all the attributes that are present in the hospital room.
ask me for
ambulance voor film
ziekenkamer op locatie
medic of setnurse
medische informatie (kosteloos)
am able, together with a visa expert, to visualize a victim who cannot be distinguished from the real thing. We have a mobile sick room that we can take to any desired location.
kan op de set meerdere ambulances leveren, politie agenten incl auto's en brandweerwagen incl personeel
a closet full. hahaha
brancards met onderstel,ziekenhuisbed ,nachtkastje, hartapparatuur dus een defibrillator met monitor,infuuspalen, zuurstof ballon,zuurstofkoffer,zuurstof masker,zuurstof brilletje,nekkraag,backboard met spin,infuus met slang, inbrengsysteem en spalken.
kortom alle apparatuur die in ziekenhuis en ambulance aanwezig is.
ik ben werkzaam bij AMBURENT en in bezit van ambulances met een zeer complete inventaris om als set-medic aan de slag te gaan.
hardware knowledge
software knowledge
Commercial, Short film, Feature film, Television