about me
I am Anna and I am an actress! I have a lot of experience in short films, commercials, corporate films and even a cinema film!
Most of the time I'm chosen just because I'm myself.
I am 11 years old but people usually think I am younger. I love gymnastics and I am in the selection.
I also love running, playing outside and laughing!
I have done a few extra roles and will soon be appearing in a film and a youth series (pilot).

ask me for
Alles!! ik vind het gewoon super leuk!
ZEKER als er iets van turnen in zit
ZEKER als er een rol met tekst is
maar ook ZEKER voor al het andere! doen hoor:-)

I can do gymnastics very well
I'm 11 but look a little younger

various short films, corporate films, commercials and a feature film. The roles vary from supporting to leading and are often with text.

that's all yet to come!

Anna Semenov
kinderdijk / NL