about me
I am a 3D Generalist with 10 years of professional experience. In recent years I have created animations for visual e ects, web videos, events, play films and television. One of my specialties is photorealistic rendering. I've made pack shots for all kinds of products, from beer cans to cars and from cartoon characters to television service. I have a good eye for proportion and detail and can make realistic and complex 3D models. I am also involved in Unity and programming in C#. I have made several VR productions with this and programmed a number of applications for the mobile phone that are available in the App Store.
Showreel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMmzDZy5AQo
ask me for
3D animatie en games.
I made a handy app for all film and video producers who sometimes have to film mobile devices. The app is called KeyScreenPro and you can easily conjure up tracking markers on the screen so that the content of the screen can easily be replaced in "post". Another useful feature of KeyScreenPro is that you can load reference images so that the actor knows where to press. Check it out in the app store: https://itunes.apple.com/nl/app/keyscreenprov1.0/id1099195977?mt=8
software knowledge
Lightwave, Maya, Fusion, Unity, Adobe software, 3DCoat