about me
I graduated from RITS in Brussels in 2009 and have been working as a Freelance sound technician since 2010. I have experience with EFP, ENG, duplex, fiction, documentary and reality as well as post production audio editing and mixing.
ask me for
Reportages, kortfilm, fictie, langspeelfilm, reportagereeksen en documentaires in binnen- en buitenland. Ook sounddesign, geluidsmontage en -mixage voor reportages, film, theater, musical, ...
Timecode, experience with syncing, data recovery, corrupt file handling, data management, RAID.
I have already participated in numerous productions at home and abroad for Geronimo, Sancta Media, Woestijnvis, Haptic, Breedbeeld, De Kaderleden, Productiehuis.eu, MoJuice, Tévé Company, SBS Belgium, Canvas, Paradigma, a Team Productions, Czar, CCCP and Hotel Hungaria. I worked for projects including Eën, Canvas, OP12, Vier, Vijf, RTL Germany, ZDF, RTBF La Une, Fox Sports, VT4, VTM, KRO, VijfTV, Vitaya and Kanaal Z.
Ik heb een professionele geluidsset voor EFP (Sound Devices 302, 744t, Sennheiser MKH-416 & MKH-816, Sennheiser wireless EK3241/SK3063 met Sanken COS-11 lavalier)
software knowledge
Pro Tools, Final Cut Pro, MacOS, Windows