about me
Gertjan was educated by some of the best known Dutch composers like Louis Andriessen, Gilius van Bergeijk and Martijn Padding. He developed his own personal style and approach from there. For MUSICA NOVA Gertjan writes music from the classical palette, with influences of minimal music and hints of ethnic sounds.

Trained as a contemporary classical composer and pianist, but with a broad background I have a lot of musical 'tools' at my disposal that I can apply adequately and meaningfully!

Visit musicanova.nl for an overview.

Cinedans, Toronto International Film festival, Al Jazeera Film Festival, Human Rights Film Festival (Barcelona),9th AsherFest (Macedonia)
Worked for Vara (zembla)
Nomination for Henriette Bosmans Prize and Dutch Music Days (Contemporary Classical)

Gertjan Eldering
Nijmegen / NL