about me
Olav Knuth Freelance A/V technician Audio: Recording/mixing/mastering/sound design Video: Camera/Drone/360/editing

technically substantiated in audio and video, both live and studio musically constructed. play multiple musical instruments and also electronic music creatively in audio and video productions.

Live free fight hard Short documentary/film about a kickboxing match (Sound design and audio editing) Paul is a short documentary film about a boy called Paul who is from the DuNoon Township in Cape Town, South Africa. Paul dreams about being a professional THE BRIDGE TO LIBERATION EXPERIENCE 2015 In this edition we tell the story of the Battle of Arnhem from a British perspective based on the lives of Jacob Groenewoud (Dutchman in British service) and Gerald Lathbury (Brigade General). The story is about the distress of war. The experiences of the soldiers who fought here for our freedom are central. Who were these soldiers and what did they experience? Some details will not match the experiences of the two main characters and it is uncertain whether they also experienced everything that way during the September days in 1944. We have opted for a more artistic approach in order to include everyone in the story of the battle of Arnhem We tell the story through a film with large screens on the iconic John Frost bridge MediaXL Audio and video productions Tonework (audio post-processing programs rtl z) Ledsherm service Vitesse and various events in the gerledome (live direction and technology) 3 voor 12 deltion college ( direction and editing ) current projects Behind the Art - art and culture program for the Arnhem Nijmegen region ( production and technology )

Paul : win the Nixon Viewers Choice Award at the Surffilmfestival Cologne! award for 'Best Short Film' at the Danish Adventure Film Festival 2015.

audio studio ter beschikking
camera en opname apparatuur
Audio en Video nabewerking
360/VR camera

hardware knowledge
diverse mengtafels, zowel analoog als digitaal
microfoon kennis
kennis van film camera's

software knowledge
diverse audio opname programma's (Cubase,Ableton,Logic,Protools)
diverse video edit programma's (adobe premiere,photoshop,aftereffects,Finalcut Pro)

Corporate film, Commercial, Documentary, ENG / TV reports, Short film, Television, Music Video, Experimental

Olav Knuth
Druten / NL
audio, visual designer