Dion Riesthuis
animation, illustration, graphic design
Oldenzaal / NL
about me
An infographic or animation can communicate a complex story in a very effective way in a short time (30-60 sec). These animations not only have the unique ability to visualize a story, but can bring a story to life through a mix of image, sound and effects. This mix ensures that your story is packaged into one powerful message that you would never achieve with one-sided texts and illustrations. In addition, internet videos are quickly distributed and shared on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, giving you a wide reach! Stop thinking in long texts or simple images, but go for the power that an animated film has to offer your potential customers.

ask me for
Animaties, Infographics, Illustraties, Flash Animaties, Grafisch Ontwerp, Banners, Interactieve Presentaties, Logo ontwerp, Huisstijlen, Websites, DVD menus, Video's.

Broad knowledge of multimedia, creative, original.

LimeSquare infographic / Animation for MKG's ERP software. Plasticon Europe animation for the technical trade fair in Bahrain and a custom animation for China. Teaser for the new house style of Plasticon Composites. Unamic Promo animation and a movie compilation of the event. GoodHeaven Festival! promo animation with the announcement of the band names and other information. iMagineAir Intro / leader animation that emphasizes the core business of the organization.

software knowledge
Adobe Flash CS5
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Adobe Illustrator CS5
Adobe Premiere CS5
Adobe InDesign CS5
Adobe Encore CS5
Adobe After Effects CS5
Adobe Fireworks CS5
Audition V3.0
Autodesk Maya 8.0
Avid Xpress Pro v5.0
Fruity Loops
Microsoft Office 2010

Animation, Internet film, Experimental

my companies

Dion Riesthuis
Oldenzaal / NL
animation, illustration, graphic design