(auto-translated from Dutch)
The Movie "The Game 2" sequel of "The Game Short Film" part 2 will be a one hour film for the theaters
What do we offer?
New Experience and you play in the most intense horror film of the Netherlands and Belgium
professionele productie / lowbudget
Amsterdam, Utrecht
Are Actors and Actresses between (16-50) for various roles such as few new leading roles as well as supporting roles and guest roles
We are looking for:
Supporting role: Jennifer (17-20)
Starring: Dylan (19-27)
Leading role: Melissa (19-25)
Supporting role: Policeman (30-50)
Supporting role: Security guard (20-30)
Supporting role: Suzan (40-55)
Supporting Role: Graffiti Skater Boy (18-25)
Guest roles (4 ladies) : (17-25)
Extra: Train Passenger (15-70)
Language requirements
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