Marnix Vonk

Two Young Ladies Wanted for Large Afro Event Commercial

Two Young Ladies Wanted for Large Afro Event Commercial

(auto-translated from Dutch)

For an event commercial we are looking for two ladies (Both of color or mixed) (18-35 years) who are available on Saturday March 22 to act in a special and visually spectacular scene.

What do we offer?
What do we offer?
A discussed compensation
Tickets for the event
A unique experience in a large production

professionele productie / lowbudget


You’re in a car together, stuck in traffic, on your way to a big party. Instead of feeling down, you see this as the perfect moment to touch up your make-up. With the music playing, you apply lipstick and eyeliner, unhindered by the honking and irritated looks around you.

Suddenly, someone starts talking on the radio. One of you notices and taps the other. You listen intently—until the radio starts crackling and the car unexpectedly starts to vibrate. Curious, one of you sticks her head out the window, just in time to see a large shadow pass over the car. To your surprise, objects fly across the road, all in the direction of Ahoy Rotterdam.

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Expires 12-04-2025