(auto-translated from Dutch)
'A Date Full of Debate' is a short, humorous and absurd sketch about how political beliefs can influence even the smallest choices in a relationship. What starts as a nice date in the park, ends in an absurd discussion with different influences.
This is a 3-5 min video.
What do we offer?
- Images per actor for own use (showreel/portfolio).
For this production we are looking for:
Requirements: possible acting experience, amateur level is allowed. Improvisation skills are a plus. Good at non-verbal expression (role Sam).
- Sam (18-21) woman
- Max (18-21) male
1. Sam (female, 18-21 years)
Character description: is principled, has adopted a new (sustainable/vegetarian) lifestyle and is less outspoken in discussions. She subtly shows her annoyance with looks and attitude, but ultimately stands her ground. Ultimately outspoken in discussions. Has trouble with Max eating meat.
2. Max (male, 18-21 years)
Character description: a spontaneous, straight-talking type who has an opinion about everything. Max is a meat eater, likes to argue and has strong convictions, but doesn't always see how he comes across to others.
Language requirements
Dutch speaking
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