(auto-translated from Dutch)
A sentence, an object, a character, a genre and 48 hours.
Film teams receive the ingredients for their films on Friday evening and then have 48 hours to write, film, edit and submit the film on time on Sunday evening.
Our very experienced team will participate in this film project competition, this time with the edition of 48 hour film project Arnhem.
What do we offer?
You will be welcomed with open arms by our highly experienced professional team of enthusiastic members who have previously won awards within 48hfp and/or been rewarded for their contributions to the film and video industry.
Premiere screening May 11th in Focus Filmtheater Arnhem.
The winning film of this edition will also be shown during Filmapalooza 2026 and will compete for the best 48h film in the world.
semi-professionele productie
Breda + eigen werkplek
An editor who can empathize with the genre we get.
The director's vision can be incorporated into the final film
Your own creative input will certainly be appreciated.
Job requirements / profile
Your equipment must be capable of shooting 6K.
Be prepared to come to the film location to start editing from 1:30pm.
Language requirements
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