ZwareJongenZ Productions

Tiktok campaign - girls wanted

Tiktok campaign - girls wanted

(auto-translated from Dutch)

Social Media Campaign - Play Music

What do we offer?
We will pay you based on the number of followers. Half when you have made the video and sent it to us and the rest on the day of posting before you post the video. The intention is that you post the video via your socials. More explanation after registration.

professionele productie / lowbudget


We are looking for ladies for a Tiktok campaign.
The idea is that you take a piece of the new single by artist Gilly and sing along and let your followers do the same. You can also do this without singing along in a suitable setting.

Language requirements

Respond / more information
you have to log in to reply

NB: Messages posted on this site are not pre-checked. Use common sense when responding to messages and sending personal information. We disapprove if you have to pay for something to get a role. For more information about this: look here

Do you think there is something wrong with this particular message?
Report it to us immediately via the - report not ok- button.

Expires 20-09-2024