Julian Cruiming

Actor (25/40 years) wanted for short film

Actor (25/40 years) wanted for short film

(auto-translated from Dutch)

At the end of this year, the shooting of Even in De Wacht will take place, about Hanna, a young top saleswoman who works in a busy call center. She tries to get the most out of her conversations and make sales, but behind the scenes she almost runs into a burnout, while her private life is in ruins. Still, she keeps her mask on, until one day a phone call changes everything and serves as her literal wake-up call.

What do we offer?
We offer a unique experience and a major role in a unique short film that can have a lot of impact. The short film will be sent to several film festivals and will also be online. The direction is done by Julian Cruiming, who won Best Film 2024 this year on behalf of the Cine Challenge in Groningen. In addition, an additional compensation is also possible in consultation (on top of the possible travel allowance).



We are looking for an actor with some experience, who is looking for a challenge for the role of Geert, her demanding team leader. He tries to push her as much as possible and towards the end of the short film literally gets in her way when she tries to change her life.

Language requirements

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Expires 27-09-2024