Ricardo Hagens | Bericht heeft geen verloopdatum, maar is waarschijnlijk wel verlopen

Limburg speaking actor and actress wanted

Limburg speaking actor and actress wanted

(auto-translated from Dutch)

Good day,

In order to prepare for a small short film, I am looking for 1 actor and 1 actress from (or of) the Limburg region to work out a small scene.

The scene aims to practice certain visual elements for me, both filmmaking as a whole and a precursor to the short film.

The scene is set around 1870 (ish).
The clothes will be supplied by me (and probably made by me) from that time period.
it is a small dialogue (5 - 10 minutes) in dialect which is then filmed, where I try to create elements in the background.

the niche of the final project is that it will be a small story as a biopic in the Limburg region in the years 1870-1890. This story can still go in all directions. What is important is the dialect that is spoken in the film.

What do we offer?
- no monetary compensation.
- Own input.
I'm not a dick; the idea isn't finished. There has to be some realization about the following:
If you are a group of three people, who are super motivated, would like to contribute something, and everyone has respect for each other and does not want to say the nasty messages. Then you remain on a project at a crossroads of three directions that goes nowhere. After consideration, and everyone's fanatic and valued input, I have to take the lead, this also to go in a direction because then you have a vision. I know that I ask time from someone for which they get nothing in return, only an experience.
- If the project is successful, of course retention for follow-up assignments.

semi-professionele productie


motivation to collaborate on an idea.
Someone who is not looking for a breakthrough, but values film-making as a profession and passion.
People who want to act and would rather do a project on the weekend than sit on the couch.

Language requirements
Limburgish dialect

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Expires 18-03-2025